Thursday 22 November 2012

Short jokes - Thanksgiving!

Q: Why did they let the turkey join the band?
A: Because he had the drumsticks

Q: What did the mama turkey say to her naughty son?
A: If your papa could see you now, he'd turn over in his gravy!

Q: What did the turkeys sing on Thanksgiving Day?
A: God save the kin.

Q: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?
A: The outside

Q: Why did the police arrest the turkey?
A: They suspected it of fowl play

Q: What's the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?
A: The turKEY

Q: What did the turkey say before it was roasted?
A: Boy! I'm stuffed!

Q: Why can't you take a turkey to church?
A: Because they use such FOWL language

Q: What's the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?
A: The turkey trot

Q: What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus?
A: Enough drumsticks for Thanksgiving

Q: Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving?
A: The turkey because he's already stuffed!

Q: In what country is Thanksgiving ironically not celebrated?
A: Turkey.

Q: What do you wear to Thanksgiving dinner?
A: A Har- VEST.

Q: What do Thanksgiving and Halloween have in common?
A: One has gobblers, the other goblins.

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